Krugloye District Executive Committee

Address: 34 Sovetskaya Street, Krugloye, 213188
Reception phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-700
Press service: + 375 (2234) 79-700

Hotline phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-593

Working hours:8:00-17:00, lunch 13:00-14:00

Digital complaints and petitions

Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region


MOGILEV, 7 December (BelTA) – Textile industry leaders from 10 countries will take part in a business forum organized by the Mogotex Company on 9 December, BelTA learnt from the company’s Director General Viktor Matiyevich. The event will focus on textile innovations. Partaking in the forum will be leaders of the textile industry of Belarus (Mogotex), Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries. They are set to discuss further cooperation within the Customs Union....
MOGILEV, 29 November (BelTA) - The State Control Committee for Mogilev Oblast initiated a campaign to study the problems of the youth, BelTA learnt from senior specialist of the State Control Committee (SCC) for Mogilev Oblast Kirill Doroshenko. The State Control Committee offers students, all young people to share the information on the pressing problems, sent their remarks and suggestions on the ways to improve the lives of young people. From 24 November to 5 December questions and...
MOGILEV, 16 November (BelTA) - Bureaucratic hurdles still complicate investment activity in Mogilev Oblast, Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Economy Committee Viktor Krasovsky told BelTA. In his words, there has been done a lot in the country, and in Mogilev Oblast in particular, to create favorable conditions for business and investment activity. The country’s legislative base has been made fully compliant with the European law. A program to support small and medium-sized business has been...
MOGILEV, 2 November (BelTA) - In 2012-2013 Mogotex plans to invest about ?14 million in the development of production, BelTA learnt from the company’s director general Viktor Matievich said. “Science and technology is fast-paced todat. To keep up with progress and thus remain competitive, we should aim for retooling, more efficient and effective knowledge-based work,” Viktor Matievich said. According to him, while the first phase of the investment program was in progress, a...

MOGILEV, 29 September (BelTA) – The Mogilev Oblast Puppet Theater is ready to amaze its audience with the latest technical achievements in its premiere tale Magic Brush, director of the theater Vladimir Andreenko told BelTA.


MOGILEV, 7 September (BelTA) – Over 60 agricultural fairs will be held in Mogilev Oblast in September-October, BelTA learnt from the trade and services bureau of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee.


MOGILEV, 1 September (BelTA) – School No. 45 for 1,020 students has opened in the Sputnik residential neighborhood in Mogilev, BelTA has learnt.


MOGILEV, 27 June (BelTA) – Over 100 back-to-school shopping bazaars will work in Mogilev Oblast, BelTA learnt from the trade and services department of the Mogilev City Executive Committee.


MOGILEV, 20 June (BelTA) – An event to mark the beginning of the Great Patriotic War will be held in Mogilev Oblast on 22 June, BelTA learnt from the youth policy department of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee.


MOGILEV, 7 June (BelTA) – A flashgun photo-contest Big Bard-Fishing will be launched in the Grudichino village, Bykhov District, on 5 August as part of the same-name interregional music and sport event, BelTA learnt from head of the jury, well-known Mogilev photographer Alexander Litin.