Krugloye District Executive Committee

Address: 34 Sovetskaya Street, Krugloye, 213188
Reception phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-700
Press service: + 375 (2234) 79-700

Hotline phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-593

Working hours:8:00-17:00, lunch 13:00-14:00

Digital complaints and petitions

Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region



MOGILEV, 3 June (BelTA) – Mogilev Oblast has raised over $33 million in foreign direct investments in Q1 2011, Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Piotr Rudnik told BelTA at a press conference on 3 June.

WARSAW, 25 November (BelTA) – Mogilev Oblast has been invited to partake in a regional economic forum in Torun, Poland, in early February 2011, Marshal of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province Piotr Calbecki said as he met with Consul General of Belarus to Gdansk Ruslan Yesin on 24 November. Piotr Calbecki stressed that cooperation with Mogilev Oblast is one of the most fruitful among the region’s foreign partners, and Mogilev’s participation in the forum will promote trade and economic...
MOGILEV, 23 November (BelTA) – The Union State Spartakiade, Olympic Youth 2010, will take place in Mogilev on 23-28 November. The youngsters will compete in volleyball, basketball and ice hockey, BelTA learnt from the department for physical education, sports and tourism of the Mogilev Oblast executive committee. Partaking in the contest will be 17 teams and more than 200 young athletes. Belarus will be represented by all Belarusian regions apart from Vitebsk Oblast. Young volleyball...
MOGILEV, 23 November (BelTA) - German investors intend to create a facility to manufacture cement-bonded boards in Mogilev Oblast. The agreement was reached with one of the German companies during the Belarusian Investment Forum in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, BelTA learnt from Viktor Nekrashevich, deputy chairman of the Mogilev oblast executive committee. According to him, in the next two to three weeks German experts will visit Mogilev Oblast to get familiar with possible sites for...
MOGILEV, 9 November (BelTA) – An 11th grade student of the Lyceum of the Belarusian-Russian University Kirill Bukato has won the 15th international contest Galaxy of Talents in the category Science (section Physics), BelTA learnt from the education department of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee. Kirill Bukato was nominated for the Galaxy of Talents award by the administration of the Lyceum for a reason. The student won several scientific contests in 2009-2010. Kirill Bukato was...
MOGILEV, 1 November (BelTA) – German businessmen are interested in investing in the development of alternative power engineering in Belarus, said head of a delegation of German businessmen and deputy head of the Eastern Europe Department of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Wolfgang Gerstmann as he met with the Mogilev Oblast Vice-Governor Vladimir Kravtsov. “Mogilev Oblast has a serious economic potential. It also borders Russia, a huge sales market. These...
MINSK, 28 October (BelTA) – Dinamo Minsk lost their scheduled Kontinental Hockey Leaggue(KHL) game against United Hockey Club Dynamo Moscow on 27 October. The match was played at Bobruisk-Arena, as Dinamo’s home ground is reserved for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. The final score was 1-3. Meleshko scored the only goal for the Wisents. Dinamo have scored 31 points in 21 KHL games so far. The Wisents are fourth out of eleven teams in the Western Conference. Dinamo face Vityaz...
MOGILEV, 29 September (BelTA) – In January-July 2010, the trade between Mogilev Oblast and Georgia rose 1.4 times to exceed $3.5 million compared with the same period of 2009, Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Piotr Rudnik said as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Belarus Giorgi Chkheidze, BelTA has learnt. The Georgian diplomat is on an official two-day visit to Mogilev Oblast. “Our trade is on the rise, but it lags behind our true...
MINSK, 9 August (BelTA) – The Belarusian mechanical engineering company Bobruiskagromash intends to start joint production of agricultural machines in Krasnodar Territory, the Russian Federation, by the end of the year, representatives of the company’s marketing department told BelTA. The relevant agreement to implement the investment project in the town of Korenovsk was signed at the Belagro expo in Minsk on 8 June by representatives of Bobruiskagromash, the Krasnodar Territory...
MINSK, 6 August (BelTA) – The Mogilev steelworks has been developing cooperation with Azerbaijan and Armenia, BelTA learnt from deputy head of the company’s marketing department Natalia Karmazina. In her words, approximately 180 tonnes of steel pipes have been shipped to Azerbaijan following the order of a large construction company Azenko. It was a sample order for a large-scale construction of the Sumgait Technological Park. According to Natalia Karmazina, a trial consignment of steel...