Krugloye District Executive Committee

Address: 34 Sovetskaya Street, Krugloye, 213188
Reception phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-700
Press service: + 375 (2234) 79-700

Hotline phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-593

Working hours:8:00-17:00, lunch 13:00-14:00

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Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region


MOGILEV, May 20 (BelTA) – The Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee and the Kujawsko-Pomorze province of Poland signed the memorandum on cooperation in sport, tourism and youth organizations. The Polish delegation is in the Mogilev oblast on a three-day visit. Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Piotr Rudnik had a meeting with Vice-Marshall of the Kujawsko-Pomorze province Makej Eskard. According to Makej Eskard, the main goal of the visit of the Polish delegation to...
MINSK, May 15 (BelTA) – The Russian delegation will perform in the Mogilev oblast as part of the 1st festival of cultures of the EurAsEC states, BelTA learnt from Anatoly Poznenko, art leader of the Zolotye Kupala Show Ballet. Taking part in the concerts in the Mogilev oblast will be Russian bands “Smolenskie Muzhiki”, “Demidovskie Garmonisty”, folk group “Rechenka”, children’s band “Krivichata” and Zolotye Kupala Show Ballet. According to Anatoly Poznenko, during the...
MINSK, May 8 (BelTA) – Belarus and Spain have coordinated the draft intergovernmental agreement on recuperation of Belarusian children in the Kingdom of Spain. The talks were held in the Department for Humanitarian Activity of the Property Management Directorate of the President of Belarus and involved officials of the Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Health and Social Policy of Spain and also the Embassy of Spain in Russia and Belarus (on concurrent), BelTA learnt from the head of the...
MOGILEV, May 5 (BelTA) – International plein air painting conference “Image of Motherland in Fine Arts” opened in Mogilev on May 5. The event is timed to the 95th anniversary of famous Belarusian artist Pavel Maslennikov and the 65th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from the Nazi invaders. Taking part in the plein air painting conference are participants from nine countries: Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Serbia, Montenegro, Armenia, Moldova, Israel and Belarus. On May 6-25, the artists...
MOGILEV, April 20 (BelTA) – In 2009-2010, some 42 entities specializing in rural tourism are expected to be set up in the Mogilev oblast. Such decision was taken at a session of the Mogilev Oblast Council of Deputies at the suggestion of Mogilev Oblast Governor Piotr Rudnik on April 20. In line with the programme of rural tourism development, the physical culture, sport and tourism department of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee has proposed to approve the creation of 15 entities...
WARSAW, April 20 (BelTA) – A delegation of the Mogilev oblast led by Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Valery Malashko is taking part in the 16th international economic forum in the city of Torun in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship of Poland. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Poland Viktor Gaisenok is also taking part in the forum, BelTA learnt from Consul General of Belarus in Gdansk Ruslan Yesin. The Mogilev oblast administration and the...
MOGILEV, April 16 (BelTA) – The Mogilev oblast and the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow signed a cooperation programme 2009-2011 on April 16, BelTA informs. It is the third programme the two regions sign. The trade between the Mogilev oblast and Moscow in 2006-2008 totaled $1 billion, Chairman of the Mogilev oblast executive committee Piotr Rudnik said at a meeting with a delegation of the Eastern District of the Russian capital on April 16. Over the last three years the...
MOGILEV, April 16 (BelTA) – Mogilev and the Sokolinaya Gora Municipal Council of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow signed the cooperation programme for 2009 in Mogilev on April 16. According to the Chairman of the Mogilev Town Executive Committee, the cooperation between Mogilev and Moscow has been actively developing since 2001 when the two sides signed the agreement on trade, economic, sci-tech and cultural cooperation. Main Mogilev’s exports to the Moscow region are lifts...
MOGILEV, April 2 (BelTA) – A cooperation agreement for 2009 between Mogilev and Tula was signed by chairman of the Mogilev City Council Viktor Shorikov and head of the Tula administration Vladimir Mogilnikov in Mogilev on April 2. The agreement is the continuation of the treaty on twin-town relations between Tula and Mogilev and agreements on trade, economic, sci-tech and cultural cooperation between, mayor of Mogilev Viktor Shorikov said at the signing ceremony. Tula is one of the main...
MOGILEV, April 1 (BelTA) – The Mogilev-based company “Footwear” intends to increase its supplies to the EU countries, BelTA learnt from director of the company Sergei Burmistrov. The company has presented its footwear (ShagoVita trademark) at the international exhibition of footwear in Dusseldorf for the first time. Not only German but companies from other countries showed their interest in the Mogilev-produced footwear. At present, the sides are discussing the supplies of...