Krugloye District Executive Committee

Address: 34 Sovetskaya Street, Krugloye, 213188
Reception phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-700
Press service: + 375 (2234) 79-700

Hotline phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-593

Working hours:8:00-17:00, lunch 13:00-14:00

Digital complaints and petitions

Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region


The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship of Poland is interested in expanding cooperation with regions of Belarus, Consul General of Belarus in Gdansk Ruslan Yesin told BelTA after visiting Torun, the administrative capital of the voivodship. While in Torun, the Belarusian diplomat met with voivodship marshal Piotr Calbecki as well as representatives of the voivodship administration in charge of economy, culture and sports affairs. Piotr Calbecki confirmed the interest in expanding contacts with...
In January-August the Mogilev-based Electrodvigatel Plant increased its exports by almost 28% to $27.1 million, the company told BelTA. The exports mainly grew due to an increase in supplies of electric engines of different modifications to Russia and other CIS countries. The Russian regions alone imported 142.3 thousand electric engines. The total exports made up 156.4 thousand engines. Over the eight months of 2008 the company produced 222.6 thousand electric engines, up 15.5 thousand...
Some 16 trading organizations and companies and also art groups and sports teams of Mogilev will take part in the fair-sale which will be held in the Russian town of Zvenigorod on September 5-7, BelTA learnt in the Mogilev City Council. Representatives of Mogilev intend to organize a real festival for the residents of Zvenigorod. Mogilev producers will present a great number of goods produced in the region – from foodstuffs to textiles and footwear. The fair will also include cultural...
Three teams of OSCE observers are monitoring the preparation for the parliamentary elections in the Mogilev oblast, Florance Mardirosyan, a representative of a team of the OSCE observers, noted during her meeting with Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Boris Batura. All in all, there are twenty such teams in Belarus now. By the election date, about 200 teams of the OSCE short-term observers will work in Belarus. The goal of the mission is to monitor the preparation and the...
This year, the number of the first-grade students in the Mogilev oblast will be 300 children more as against the last school year (2007/2008), head of the education department of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Oleg Kulakovsky told reporters. Within the recent three years the number of the first-year students in the Mogilev oblast has been increasing. This year, the number of the first graders will increase by 11 thousand for the first time. At the same time, if the number of the...
The Slavyanka company has made more than 90,000 uniforms for the new school year (the government contract was 51,300). Some 85,000 uniforms have been supplied to trading outlets, the chief of the marketing department of the company Liubov Kiseleva told BelTA. By August 15 the company will have finished making school uniforms and will proceed to the manufacture of textile sportswear for schools students. The company plans to make around 10,000 sports clothes items. Founded in 1930, the...
During the 2008 harvesting campaign grain dryers in ten agricultural companies of the Mogilev oblast have been converted to operate on straw. Two more grain dryers are completing the assemblage of stoves running on straw (BHC-1.5), BelTA learnt in the energy and fuel department of the oblast executive committee. After the installation of all modernized equipment, the oblast 17 grain dryers will use on straw as a fuel. The oblast has been implementing a project of the Belarusian State...
About 500 enterprises of the Mogilev oblast are to be reincorporated as joint stock companies by the end of 2009, chairman of the Mogilev oblast executive committee Boris Batura told a press conference on July 23. By late 2008, all the agricultural enterprises of the oblast are to be reincorporated as joint stock companies. “Thus we will obtain an economic leverage to make heads of agricultural enterprises repay the credits invested in the production,” he noted. Among the companies to...
In January-June 2008, Bobruiskagromash exports of farm machines rose 1.5 times to reach $22 million from the same period of 2007, BelTA learnt from the marketing department of the company. The major importers of the company’s products in this period were the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Russia accounted for 72% of all Bobruiskagromash exports. The supplies to this country soared by 40%. The exports to the others CIS member states increased by 22% to total $5.6...
The international music festival Golden Shlyager-2008 in Mogilev has already received the first applications for the participation in the contest of vocal and instrumental ensembles named after Vladimir Muliavin, BelTA learnt from artistic director of the promotion centre of Mogilev Philharmonic Society Vasily Buinitsky. The competition has been held for several years already.It is aimed at preserving the best traditions of the ensemble genre and popularizing the songs of People’s Artist...