Krugloye District Executive Committee

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Main / News / Region
30 May 2014

ARVI Group to build turkey processing plant in Mogilev Oblast

GRODNO, 30 May (BelTA) - ARVI Group (Lithuania) will build a turkey processing plant in Mogilev Oblast and a turkey farm in Minsk Oblast, ARVI Group Vice President, Acting Director General of Baltkalis Company Arunas Morozovas told media at the 3rd Belarusian-Lithuanian Forum on Regional Cooperation in Grodno on 29 May, BelTA has learned.

Arunas Morozovas told journalists about the implementation of the company’s two investment projects in Belarus (in Lida District).

The first, cheaper and less complex, project is the construction of an animal waster disposal plant in the village of Dorzhi, Lida District. The plant is built at the basis of the Lida veterinary sanitary disposal plant to produce protein and bone flour. The project which costs ?17 million will be completed by September 2014. The project will be commissioned in two stages. The second stage envisages the start of special waste processing (blood and fish scraps).

The second project is the introduction of a turkey breeding and processing complex. The project envisages three stages. The first stage in the construction of five turkey farms to produce up to 500,000 turkeys per year. The second phase is a feed-processing plant to produce fodder for turkey farms and for exports. The third component of the project is a turkey advanced processing factory. The plant’s annual production will be 6,000 tonnes of ready-made products. The complex will require about ?28 million. According to Arunas Morozovas, ARVI farms are unique, high-technology and equipped with modern ventilation systems.

According to the Vice President, the work on the turkey complex is in full swing. “The complex will occupy 17 hectares near the city of Lida. The territory has been cleaned from old buildings. The construction works of a new factory have been launched. Farms will be built in Berezovka. We plan to start producing turkey in 2015 and complete of the construction of the complex in 2017,” he noted.

According to Arunas Morozovas, ARVI plans to expand its presence in Belarus in the future. In his words, the company is happy to come to Belarus and sees big interest from the authorities of the regions, feels huge assistance from them. The company is currently looking into its further prospects in Belarus. The company plans to build turkey farms in Minsk Oblast as well, with the total investment up to ?3 million. Besides, the Lithuanian group signed a memorandum with Mogilev Oblast. Here, on the Russian border the company plans to build a similar complex to produce 5,000 tonnes of turkey a year. The cost of the turkey complex is ?27-30 million. Besides, the company is in talks to buy and upgrade the Belynichi protein factory.

On the whole, ARVI plans in Belarus include the construction of three complexes with the total annual output of 15,000 tonnes of products. The Lida turkey complex will be focused on the domestic market, while the complex in Mogilev will be mainly oriented on Russia.

ARVI Group specializes in agriculture and food industry. It produces fertilizers, feed and sugar, processes meat, utilizes animal waste and provides cargo forwarding services. ARVI Group consists of 22 Lithuanian and foreign companies and has operations in Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia and Croatia.

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