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Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
15 October 2009

Belarus and Germany enter a period of new opportunities, Gebhardt Weiss says

MOGILEV, 15 October (BelTA) – Belarus and Germany are entering a period of new opportunities, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to Belarus Gebhardt Weiss said as he met with first deputy chairman of the Mogilev oblast executive committee Vladimir Kravtsov. In 2007 the political relations between the European Union and Belarus were quite tense. Now we see a warming in the relations, the diplomat said. This will contribute to the development of cooperation between Belarus and Germany. “We need to find new forms of interaction to help Belarus advance more rapidly, make its economy stronger and improve living standards,” the diplomat said. As part of the Week of Germany in Belarus representatives of the embassy, business community, and German culture institutions tour of the Belarusian regions to get more information about the prospects and potential of the bilateral cooperation in economy, education, science and culture. For example, Gebhardt Weiss initiated an open dialogue with local authorities to discuss privatization and attracting foreign investments, attitude of local population to this process. He also showed interest in training and level of education of young people. According to Vladimir Kravtsov, the Mogilev oblast is open for all-round cooperation with Germany. “The development of our relationship has been gathering pace. Although the global crisis has affected Mogilev exports to Germany, the import has remained the same,” he said. The potential of mutually beneficial cooperation between Germany and the Mogilev oblast is high, believes Vladimir Kravtsov. German businessmen can take part in investment projects in the industrial and agrarian sectors. “We are also interested in studying and using the German experience in energy saving, ecology, in education, culture, and tourism,” Vladimir Kravtsov said. The issues of cooperation between the Mogilev oblast and Germany will be considered during the Belarusian-German meeting of twin-towns on 16 October. Gebhardt Weiss is expected to attend its opening ceremony. On the same day the Ambassador plans to meet with the senior officials of Mogilev State University to discuss the prospects of scientific cooperation, methodological assistance in learning German, enhancing qualifications of its professor staff. Moreover the DAAD German Academic Exchange Service and Robert Bosch Foundation organize seminars and lectures for students of Mogilev State University.


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