Krugloye District Executive Committee

Address: 34 Sovetskaya Street, Krugloye, 213188
Reception phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-700
Press service: + 375 (2234) 79-700

Hotline phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-593

Working hours:8:00-17:00, lunch 13:00-14:00

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Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
28 December 2012

Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Units to sell equipment to FAO

MOGILEV, 28 December (BelTA) – Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Units will deliver tractor equipment to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2013, BelTA learnt from the company. The agreement was reached during talks with the procurement service of the organization. The machines produced by the Bobruisk-based company will be used by FAO to support small and medium-sized farming. Cooperation with the international organization will allow the company to reach out to new challenging markets, which the company would not be able to do on its own. In 2013 FAO might use Bobruisk-made equipment in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, which are traditional markets for the company. In the coming years FAO plans to expand its operations in these countries. During the talks the parties discussed in detail the company’s participation in tenders and special requirements set forth for suppliers. The headquarters of the organization will help the company establish direct contacts with FAO procurement centers in the countries where FAO is running major technical aid projects. A decision was made to involve dealers of the Belarusian company abroad. Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Units was founded in 1945. The company made part of Minsk Tractor Works in 1972. It manufactures component parts and units for the entire range of tractors produced by Minsk Tractor Works. The company started producing small-sized tractors Belarus-320 in 2007, and Belarus-422.1 and Belarus-321 in 2008. It also manufactures more powerful tractors Belarus-422 and Belarus-622 and attachments to them.


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