Krugloye District Executive Committee

Address: 34 Sovetskaya Street, Krugloye, 213188
Reception phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-700
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Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
1 November 2010

German businessmen interested in Belarus’ alternative energy sources

MOGILEV, 1 November (BelTA) – German businessmen are interested in investing in the development of alternative power engineering in Belarus, said head of a delegation of German businessmen and deputy head of the Eastern Europe Department of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Wolfgang Gerstmann as he met with the Mogilev Oblast Vice-Governor Vladimir Kravtsov. “Mogilev Oblast has a serious economic potential. It also borders Russia, a huge sales market. These features make the region attractive for German investors, who are ready to invest in various areas, and, foremost, in the development of alternative power engineering, as this issue is topical both for Mogilev Oblast and Belarus,” Wolfgang Gerstmann said. The German guests are set to hold meetings with businessmen of Mogilev Oblast and top managers of the oblast’s companies and organizations and find avenues of cooperation and agree on concrete projects. The German delegation features representatives of various companies, from biocomplexes, wind power generators and solar batteries manufacturers to those providing medical services and engineering. As Vladimir Kravtsov said, Mogilev Oblast is eager to develop cooperation with German partners in energy saving. “We have achieved some progress in this area, but it is only the beginning. At the same time, Germany has a huge experience in energy saving, and we want to apply the German cutting-edge technologies here,” Vladimir Kravtsov said. He added that Mogilev Oblast and Germany may cooperate in waste disposal and recycling, heat pumps manufacturing, energy efficient housing, biogas production, agriculture products processing, etc. “We have a number of projects and we are looking for partners to implement them. I hope this meeting will yield positive results. We may confirm the agreements at the Belarus Investment Forum in Frankfurt am Main on 17 November,” the Mogilev Oblast Vice-Governor said. The German businessmen are in Mogilev Oblast on a two-day visit. They are set to partake in a business matchmaking session on 1 November and tour of Mogilev’s companies and sights on 2 November. Germany is among the main foreign trade partners of Mogilev Oblast. In 2009 the trade with Germany accounted for 7.5% of the overall turnover of Mogilev Oblast, and 24.5% of trade with the non-CIS members. In January-August 2010, the trade with Germany made up 5% of the overall turnover, and 17.9% of the trade with the non-CIS countries.


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