Krugloye District Executive Committee

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Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
4 May 2012

Mass media should strive for meaningful content, not scoops

MINSK, 4 May (BelTA) – In pursuit of best-selling news mass media should not ignore profound and serious matters, First Deputy Information Minister of Belarus Lilia Ananich said at the roundtable session “Female reporters for reviving moral and family values” on 3 May, BelTA learnt. The forum was held in the All Saints and Innocent Victims Church in Minsk. Taking part in the event was archpriest Fyodor Povny. Lilia Ananich is convinced that the journalist community is facing a challenging task: in pursuit of best-selling news and scoops mass media should not fail to have a meaningful and serious conversation about topical issues of today. “In the time of globalization and new technologies it is important that mass media should promote moral values,” Lilia Ananich emphasized. She noted that the Belarusian journalism is dominated by women who are inherently associated with something good. “Women reject evil, violence, aggression – the things that abound in the Internet and TV. However, I would like to give credit to national mass media, because our information space is aimed at creation,” Lilia Ananich said. She emphasized though that there should be more morality-related issues on the mass media agenda. “We need to have more positive programs and articles narrating about the history, culture and the future of our society. It is profound materials that will help the print media to stay popular for a long time,” the First Deputy Information Minister said. Taking part in the roundtable session were representatives of national mass media: TV channels, newspapers and news agencies who cover social issues.


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