Krugloye District Executive Committee

Address: 34 Sovetskaya Street, Krugloye, 213188
Reception phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-700
Press service: + 375 (2234) 79-700

Hotline phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-593

Working hours:8:00-17:00, lunch 13:00-14:00

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Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
8 April 2008

Mogilev becomes CIS best city in efficiency of local self-government

The international assembly of capitals and big cities has summed up the results of the 1st contest The Best CIS City. Taking part in the contest were 64 cities of the CIS member states. Mogilev was recognized best in the nomination “Efficient local self-government” and in the field of partnership relations development with foreign countries. As BelTA learnt in the Mogilev City Council, at the final round of the contest held in Moscow Mogilev presented a set of special materials, a booklet and a number of the booths dedicated to seven problems (urban accomplishment, local self-government, health care, openness, friendship, cooperation, traditions). Moreover, Mogilev also presented the statistical data and economic indicators of the city. According to the results of their analysis, Mogilev turned out to be among CIS leaders as well.

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