Krugloye District Executive Committee

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Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
29 January 2013

Mogilev to get copy of Saint Euphrosyne Cross

MOGILEV, 29 January (BelTA) – A holographic copy of the Cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk will be made for Mogilev. The collective image of the relic will go back to the place where the original, made by Lazar Bogsha in 1161, was kept from 1929 until the Great Patriotic War, BelTA learnt from Alexander Khokhryakov, Director of the Mogilev Oblast Art Museum n.a. Pavel Maslenikov.The holographic copy is made from the relic reconstructed by Brest craftsman Nikolai Kuzmich as the whereabouts of the original is still unknown, the director explained. The holography will be displayed at the restored strong room of the museum. The exposition will be held under the name “The Secret of the Cross”. “In fact it is going to be a new word in the museum technology, what will allow us to see the relic in 3D image,” Alexander Khokhryakov added.Black marble flags will be used to decorate the strong room. There will be installed new illumination. The holographic image of the cross will be put behind specially polished glass.The second stage of the project to return lost relics will be the creation of a holographic exposition “Saved Treasures”. According to the document compiled by the commission on 22 December 1944 on the damage brought to the Mogilev State History Museum during the Great Patriotic War, a great number of valuable things were stolen from the museum. Among them were collections of the Belarusian script books, weapons of the 10th-15th centuries, coins, the icons of the 17th-19th centuries, the mace of Sigismund III, the shroud dating back to 1566. The holographic images of some of the above-mentioned values will get a new lease of life in the museum this June already.The Mogilev Oblast Art Museum was founded in 1992. The museum was named after Pavel Maslenikov following the decree of 22 January 1996. The museum is housed in the building which is an architectural specimen of the 20th century.


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