Krugloye District Executive Committee

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Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
18 February 2015

Penza Oblast interested in Belarusian elevators, farm machines

MOGILEV, 18 February (BelTA) - Penza Oblast of Russia is willing to import Mogilev-made elevators and Belarusian farm machines, Head of the Penza Oblast Government Mikhail Kosoi said during his meeting with Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Vladimir Domanyevsky on 18 February, BelTA has learned.

Russia's Penza Oblast would like to bolster interregional cooperation in all areas. First of all, it is eager to develop the economic cooperation and strengthen the ties between production enterprises, set up a number of new joint venues, improve the logistics, and expand the bilateral trade. “We would like to buy your elevators for their good price/quality ratio. We also need Belarusian farm machines. Besides, we are ready to consider increasing import of Belarusian vegetables,” Mikhail Kosoi said.

He noted that Penza Oblast is also eager to develop the interregional cooperation in culture, education, and sports. For example, the Russian delegation offered Mogilev to study their experience in the implementation of the dual education system, education of children with disabilities, and use of IT technologies in primary education. They also suggested the idea to organize joint cultural and sport events. “We believe that our regions have considerable cooperation potential, and we should use it to the full in order to strengthen our economies,” Mikhail Kosoi emphasized.

For his part, Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Vladimir Domanyevsky said that the meeting should give momentum to further development of the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two regions. He suggested organizing a meeting of businessmen from Mogilev Oblast of Belarus and Penza Oblast of Russia to discuss some specific areas of cooperation and develop projects of mutual interest. “We should make more efforts to expand our economic ties and bolster the bilateral trade. Penza Oblast still accounts for a small share of Mogilev Oblast's trade with the Russian Federation,” he noted.

Vladimir Domanyevsky believes that to step up the interregional cooperation, Mogilev Oblast and Penza Oblast should jointly create a competitive product by establishing cooperation between already existing production enterprises or by setting up new joint ventures.

The delegation of Penza Oblast will visit OAO Mogilevliftmash and OAO Babushkina Krynka on 18 February. They will also take part in a business matchmaking session and hold negotiations with Mogilev businessmen.


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