Krugloye District Executive Committee

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Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
26 June 2015

Polish-Belarusian economic mission to take place in Mogilev Oblast

MOGILEV, 26 June (BelTA) – The Polish-Belarusian economic mission will take place in Mogilev Oblast in the near future. The relevant agreement was reached in a meeting between Mogilev Oblast Governor Vladimir Domanevsky and Charge d'Affaires of Poland to Belarus Michal Chabros, BelTA informs.

According to Michal Chabros, the use of Poland in the development of interregional cooperation of economic missions has recently proved efficient. The previous mission was held in Gomel. It resulted in five business contacts. “We would like to suggest holding a similar economic mission in Mogilev Oblast. We believe we should choose two or three issues and work thoroughly on them in order to get concrete results in the form of mutually beneficial cooperation,” Michal Chabros said.

The Mogilev Oblast Governor suggested preparing the event as quickly as possible and inviting Mogilev and Polish businessmen to take part in it. “We, the same as Poland, are interested in diversifying markets and would like to discuss a number of issues regarding the organization of joint companies and cooperation between our companies in the production of competitive goods, including the opportunity of their sales to third countries,” Vladimir Domanevsky said.

In his words, the potential of cooperation between Mogilev and Polish business is high. Vladimir Domanevsky suggested paying more attention to the development of manufacturing facilities with the use of local raw material. For instance, it can be woodworking, construction industry, mechanical engineering and metal working. “We are also interested in the Polish experience in vegetable and fruit processing, their conservation and freezing. We have learnt to grow and store vegetables and fruit. Still, we have a lot to learn in what regards their processing and sales,” the governor said.

As for Polish investments, Vladimir Domanevsky pointed to the south-eastern regions of Mogilev Oblast that, thanks to President’s Decree No.235 “Concerning social and economic development of the south-eastern region of Mogilev Oblast”, got serious preferences, including business development. “Apart from investing in economy, we would like to use the Polish experience in tourism development and establish close cooperation in medicine and education,” Vladimir Domanevsky said.

In turn, Michal Chabros suggested using the experience of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province (Mogilev Oblast has an agreement on cooperation with), as one of Poland’s leaders in recreation and tourism infrastructure. He also invited a delegation of Mogilev Oblast to attend the Eastern Economic Congress that is due to take place in Bialystok on 24-25 September.


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