Krugloye District Executive Committee

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Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
14 February 2008

Reference book “Towns and Villages of Belarus” for Mogilev oblast published

The State Property Committee has published another reference book “Towns and Villages of Belarus” dedicated to the Mogilev oblast. The edition numbers 1,600 copies, Chief of the Office of Cartography and GIS of the State Property Committee Valery Tsigankov told BelTA. The reference book is about Belarusian toponymy. It includes six books providing information about six oblasts of Belarus. Four books about towns and villages of Minsk, Grodno, Gomel and Mogilev oblast have been already published. The work is currently underway on the books about Brest and Vitebsk oblasts. All editions have identical structure and layout, the specialist noted. The edition features administrative maps of Belarus and each oblast. Each book contains eight structural sections: tables with transliteration of Belarusian alphabet, general information about the oblast, a full register of all population centres in Belarusian, Russian and their transliteration, gender and number, most used inflexions and variants of official names. There is also a list of the settlements which became extinct. The editorial tells about the history and modern situation in the Belarusian toponymy, the reasons why this or that Belarusian settlement has changed names. The reference book is designed for government bodies, juridical persons as well as all citizens interested in the history of the native country.

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