Krugloye District Executive Committee

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Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
1 February 2018

Serial production of Belarus-China mobile cranes launched in Mogilev

MOGILEV, 1 February (BelTA) – The serial production of Belarusian-Chinese 25-tonne mobile cranes ZMC-25 has been started in Mogilev. The first special vehicles have already been sold to Russia, BelTA learned from Zoomlion-MAZ Director Yuri Pivovarov.
The Belarusian-Chinese joint venture was busy developing and certifying new models throughout last year. The mobile crane ZMC-25 was assembled in Mogilev as a prototype model and went on display in Minsk and Moscow. After filling the order book, Zoomlion-MAZ launched the serial production of special vehicles.
“We managed to begin our own production in less than a year, while it usually takes around three years to make the journey from drawing to a finished product in heavy engineering. Although the production output in 2018 will depend on the manufacturing capacities and the market demand, it is estimated at tens of mobile cranes,” Yuri Pivovarov said.
Russian and Belarusian companies were one of the first to buy ZMC-25. The Belarusian enterprise also plans to ship mobile cranes to Kazakhstan and other CIZ countries. In the future, the company wants to tap into the EU with the brand new model. The Belarusian-made vehicle outclasses its foreign analogues in terms of price and quality.
The Belarusian-Chinese mobile cranes will be unveiled in downtown Mogilev on 2 February as part of the events to mark the 80th anniversary of Mogilev Oblast. The exhibition will be arranged near the Regional Art Center in Mira Avenue.
Earlier on, Zoomlion-MAZ vehicles were certified for the Customs Union and can now be exported to and operated in Russia, Kazakhstan, and other EAEU member states. Zoomlion-MAZ also set up a service network in these countries. Last autumn, Zoomlion-MAZ maintenance specialists underwent training in Mogilev.


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