Krugloye District Executive Committee

Address: 34 Sovetskaya Street, Krugloye, 213188
Reception phone number: + 375 (2234) 79-700
Press service: + 375 (2234) 79-700

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Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye Krugloye District community center
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Shopping and hotel complex Izumrud
Sovetskaya Street in Krugloye
Krugloye District community center
Main / News / Region
7 December 2011

Textile giants to gather for Mogilev business forum

MOGILEV, 7 December (BelTA) – Textile industry leaders from 10 countries will take part in a business forum organized by the Mogotex Company on 9 December, BelTA learnt from the company’s Director General Viktor Matiyevich. The event will focus on textile innovations. Partaking in the forum will be leaders of the textile industry of Belarus (Mogotex), Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries. They are set to discuss further cooperation within the Customs Union. Businessmen will consider a number of issues related to prices for textile products and raw material. In particular, Belarus has recently witnessed an unjustified increase in prices for textile fiber. This reduces Mogotex competitive ability on the foreign market. “We are interested to work with Belarusian producers of raw material. We are also looking for alternative variants aboard in a bid to expand our product line and just to be on a safe side if the prices for the raw material of our main suppliers will continue rising,” Viktor Matiyevich said. During the business forum top managers of enterprises will discuss further cooperation, investment opportunities and growth prospects. “Science and technology march ahead very fast. In order to keep up with the progress and thus remain competitive, we need to continuously upgrade our facilities. Specialists of the enterprise are motivated to engage in more efficient and knowledge-based work. Tasks they address almost every day require finding ways to produce new goods, reduce their costs,” Viktor Matiyevich said. Most of the investments will be spent on upgrade of the finishing factory which generates the main value added. This is where fabric acquires unique properties: antibacterial, acid-resistant, fire-resistant. Today, fabrics for special application account for about 80% of production. The enterprise was founded in 1973. In 2000 it was transformed into a joint stock company. This is one of the largest manufacturers of textile products in Belarus and CIS. Mogotex operates weaving, finishing and garment factories and other facilities.


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