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MINSK, 5 December (BelTA) – The One Belt, One Road initiative will secure closer interstate and interregional trade, economic and investment cooperation in different areas between all the states participating in this large-scale initiative, Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration Nikolai Snopkov said in an interview with China’s leading mass media.
The development of transport infrastructure is one of Belarus’ top priorities, Nikolai Snopkov said. “Belarus is ready to become a hub for the implementation of the Belt projects in the Eurasian region, an important transport and logistics, information and communication link,” he said. The Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration named the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park Great Stone, which is to become an important transport and logistics center of Belarus, as the key project of the One Belt, One Road initiative.
In 2017 Belarus and China will mark the 25th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. The two countries have established trust and mutually beneficial relations. According to Nikolai Snopkov, the bilateral relations are based on similar approaches to the political, social and economic development. “Belarus and China have worked out their national development strategies, proceeding, first of all, from their own traditions and interests,” stressed the Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration.
He added that the bilateral cultural, scientific and education exchanges expand and bring new concrete results. Nikolai Snopkov also spoke about the development of cooperation in tourism.